Real Results from Our Authors

100% Success in Turning Visions into Published Legacies


“Converting a great idea into a great book is a journey that can use a navigator. Robin is a seasoned author coach who can help you craft a roadmap, guide you along it, and provide insiders’ tips on how to go from concept to outline to agent and beyond. If you’re a play to win kind of author, Robin’s your secret weapon.”

William W Li, MD, Two-Time NYT Bestseller, Eat To Beat Disease and Eat To Beat Your Diet (Balance, 2019, 2023)

From Robin's Desk

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How to Write a Book That Sells YOU

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The Publishing Process Checklist

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The Fraud Factor Audio Exercise


Case Studies

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William W. Li, MD

2 time New York Times Bestseller, Eat to Beat Disease (2019) and Eat to Beat Your Diet (2023)

Challenge: founded and ran a non-profit research foundation for over 20 years. Had life-saving information to share with mass market about how we can actually fight disease with the foods we eat. Provided extreme value to the field of angiogenesis, as well as helped people survive life-threatening diseases, but his income did not reflect that.

Solution: we developed his book proposal and introduced him to his literary agent who went on to sell his book to Grand Central publishing. Then we collaborated with him to write it. Also advised Will to build his personal email list and create an online course related to the book.

Result: 2 time New York Times Bestseller, Eat to Beat Disease (2019) and Eat to Beat Your Diet (2023). This led to an additional 2-book deal with Grand Central, with well over a quarter million copies sold. Plus, Will has created another revenue stream by taking our recommendations and building an online course, which he sells to tens of thousands of email subscribers.

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Vince Del Monte

Living Large (BenBella Books, 2016)

Challenge: 7-figure online fitness business selling products ranging from $49 to $249. Strong personal brand, but wanted to expand into offline markets and add life and business coaching to his repertoire.

Solution: developed a book that is 2/3 fitness and 1/3 personal development. We prepared book proposal, helped secure an agent, and we ghost wrote the manuscript.

Result: Living Large (BenBella Books, 2016) and a whole new business model. Vince now leads a 7-figure mastermind for fitness pros to build their online businesses, which now has over 200 members paying up to $50k per year EACH. Target: 1000!

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Debi Berndt

Let Love In (John Wiley & Sons, 2010)

Challenge: General practice hypnotherapist, making about $30,000 a year, no platform, no differentiation, no college degree, not even a boyfriend. Wanted to be a world-leading expert in dating and relationships and build a 7-figure business.

Solution: niche her practice to dating and relationships, get local TV coverage, contribute articles to and, coached her on book concept development, proposal, and how to pitch to agents.

Result: Let Love In (John Wiley & Sons, 2010) literary agent attained, book deal with advance, coverage expands to larger markets and national publicity, income increase of 600% in 3 first years. She says difference working with us made in her income over the past 10 years, "about $10 million."

Hear From Our Clients

Nicole Stott

Back to Earth

Vince Del Monte

Living Large

Steven Kahan

Be a Startup Superstar

Gaurav Bhatnagar


Donna Marks

Exit the maze

Eric Strafel

The frontline CEO

Joe Curcillo

Getting to us

Nate Kievman

Mark Minukas

Will Russell

Launch in 5

Greg Fernandes

Excuse limit zero

Write the Book
They Can't Put Down

We lead you through every stage: from concept to selling thousands of books