by Robin Colucci | Aug 11, 2023 | Promote Your Book
A book is a perfect positioning tool to bolster your authority, but just because you have a book, and even if you’re already recognized as an expert in your space, getting noticed as an author won’t magically happen overnight. To be noticed as an author, you...
by Robin Colucci | Aug 13, 2021 | Become an Author, The Publishing Industry
Everyone knows that to claim full authority status as an expert in your field, you need to author a book. And the way to publish with the most prestige is to land a deal with a traditional publisher. For new authors, the process of getting a literary agent and book...
by Robin Colucci | Dec 3, 2020 | The Publishing Industry
Okay. Rant time. I talk to so many people who hire companies to help them self-publish or hybrid publish their books. Nothing wrong with that. Good companies exist that help people bring their books across the finish line. My pet peeve is when these companies offer...
by Robin Colucci | Jul 1, 2020 | The Pipeline
November 2023 It’s been awhile since we updated you, so here’s our next round of exciting announcements! New Release: Dr. David Vaughn’s book, The Secret Life of Corals: Sex, War and Rocks that Don’t Roll, is published and available for purchase. In this funny and...