How Blogs are Different Than Nonfiction Books

How Blogs are Different Than Nonfiction Books

Blogs are different than nonfiction books. One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone throws together a series of blog posts  and calls it a manuscript. I know that not everyone will agree with me on this, but that’s not a book. It’s a collection of blog posts. And, IMHO, simply throwing them together…

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How to Write When You Don’t Want To

how to write when you don't want to

I told my team I’d have a blogpost ready to go in the morning. And I can’t really see myself showing up to the morning meeting as the CEO and telling my team, “Yeah, I finished my calls at 4:30, but I did other stuff for 6-hours and then I was just too tired.”
That’s a kind of leadership, I guess, but not the kind I want to promote in my business.

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How Writing a Book Too Fast Can Hurt You

Writing a Book Too Fast

Making the shift from unpublished expert to published author lifts your status. It gives you a certain gravitas that signals to others that you are a true authority. Generally, authors outpace unpublished experts in invitations–to speak, to appear in the media, and to partner with high-level people and organizations. Most people understand this. But what…

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How to Write a Book that’s Current, Yet Timeless

how to write a book

One of the biggest challenges in writing a book is to figure out how to write a book that is current and in-step with the times, yet has a long shelf life. At first glance, this may seem impossible. “Current” means in the here and now. “Timeless” means everlasting. So, how do you write a…

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The Best Writing Makes You Forget You’re Reading

The Best Writing Makes You Forget You’re Reading

I know that I’m reading a great book when it makes me forget that I’m reading. I become so engaged, I don’t even notice the book in my hand or the turn of a page. I’m in it, and I can’t put it down. On the other hand, to read some books feels like such…

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How to Start Writing a Book That Grows Your Business

Writing a Book That Grows Your Business

“Where do I start?” That’s what everyone wants to know. Here’s the answer, from  strategic book development and writing coach, Robin Colucci. “Where do I start?” That’s what everyone wants to know. I’m a strategic book development and writing coach, so I hear this question about once a week. Or more. Recently, I saw someone…

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Avoid the “White Van” Moment

white van and business

Why Most Readers Don’t Finish Reading  — And What You Can Do About It If you’re writing a book to grow your business, you can’t afford to lose readers. Here’s how to make sure that they stay engaged from beginning to end. An unmarked white van screeches to a halt in front of you. The…

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4 Ways Writing A Book Can Grow Your Business


Believe it or not, writing a book to grow your business has little  to do with book sales. Here are four tactics you can use to make your book work for YOU. As a strategic book development and writing coach, I not only help my clients complete their books, I also help them determine precisely…

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