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A Year in Review: 2021 at R Colucci LLC

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Gaurav and Mark Minukas, Unfear
(McGraw Hill, 2021)

Looking back on 2021, we are proud to announce that we can still boast our 100% success rate in getting our book proposal clients signed with agents who have gone on to sell their books to publishers! Though some of our clients’ projects are still in the hunt, they are all in play.

Here’s a Quick Overview:

  • All in all, we worked on 35 projects, from book proposals to manuscripts for traditionally published, and some self-published, books
  • Of those 35 projects, the majority were book proposals (22).

Book Proposal Projects

  • Out of the 22 book proposals we worked on, we have 10 that we are adding finishing touches to, or we are currently pitching to agents.
  • Of the remaining 12, so far, 6 of our lucky clients signed with their even luckier agents:
    • Nobel Laureate Dr. Louis Ignarro signed with Park & Fine for his second book working with us–this one’s about the importance of science to a free society.
    • Will Russell signed with the Linda Konnor Agency for his book, Launch in Five, on how to fast track an online business.
    • Julio Cacho and Juan Carlos Herrera signed with Linda Konnor for Close the Gap, Get Your Share, their book on investing advice for immigrants.
    • Jo Grover and Jonathan Rhodes signed with the Mark Creative Agency for their book, The Choice Point, about their unique functional imagery training.
    • Deborah Hines signed with Sterling Lord Literistic to represent her book on prosecutorial justice reform.
    • Sixteen-year-old Madeleine Li signed with Park & Fine for her debut novel.
  • 2 clients already had agents and completed their book proposals.
    • This is Steven Kahan’s second time working with the Linda Konnor Agency, with whom we connected him for his first book, Be A Startup Superstar.
    • CBS News Correspondent, Enrique Acevedo brought his book proposal to his agent at the Creative Artists Agency. We are working with her to add a few finishing touches, so she can begin to pitch it soon.
  • Another 3 clients are on the verge of signing with agents, but it’s too soon to disclose names (keep an eye on our on-going blog post The Pipeline to stay in the loop).
  • And 1 book proposal client decided to proceed without an agent’s representation and sold their book to a major independent press.

Books That Sold

  • 5 of our clients secured offers from publishers for new book deals:
    • Steven Kahan’s book proposal and existing relationship with his agent led to his deal with Ben Bella for his second book, High Velocity Digital Marketing
    • Shelly Bell signed with Wiley for her book on entrepreneurial success for women
    • Will Russell accepted an offer from Hodder & Stoughton for his book, Launch in Five
    • Jo Grover and Jonathan Rhodes have inked a deal with Hachette Book Group for The Choice Point
    • Julio Cacho and Juan Carlos Herrera got a deal with Ben Bella for Close the Gap, Get Your Share
  • These 8 authors (with 7 projects) saw the fruition of their efforts in the form of an officially published book:

The Bottom Line Is This:

We are proud to have logged another year of batting 1000 for our clients. We are looking forward to 2022 – a year that we hope holds even greater success for our clients, our team, and you too! ????