Gaurav and Mark Minukas, Unfear
(McGraw Hill, 2021)
Wondering whether you’re ready to write a book that will grow your business? Answer these four questions.
As a strategic book development and writing coach, I’ve seen first-hand how writing a book can work wonders for coaches, consultants, and business owners. The process of book development and writing, as well as the book itself, can help you generate marketing materials and opportunities, boost sales, and improve the delivery of your services. But not everyone is ready to write a book right now.
Here are four questions that you can ask yourself to determine whether it’s the right time to wade into one of the most involved, rewarding, and profitable projects of your life…
Question #1: Do you have proof of concept?
Just as no plan survives contact with the enemy, no product survives contact with the marketplace. That’s why the most successful owner/authors don’t use the book writing process to avoid sales and hope for the best. They obtain proof of concept first.
As you learn what sells and what doesn’t, you’ll iterate and transform your services and offerings to better attract and better serve clients.
You should do the same thing: First, confirm that people are buying what you’re selling. Then write a book about it.
Once you have paying clients, you’ll have the resources required to make the most of having your book.
It’s ideal if you have reached a stage in the development of your business where writing this book isn’t a possibility — it’s a necessity. An inevitability.
Question #2: Do you have a track record of persistence?
Writing a book can be a rewarding experience. But will also be one of the most challenging long-term projects of your life. That’s why it shouldn’t be the first long-term project of your life.
If you’ve already built a successful business, or if you’re starting a new business following a triumphant first career, then I’m sure that the answer to this question is an unqualified “Yes.”
Question #3: Are you committed to the project?
Writing a book takes commitment. You have to want it. Deep in your bones.
To be clear, you don’t have to have all the answers from the get-go. You can get help to define who your target market is and to clarify why that reader would be interested in your book. And you can get help to figure out precisely how your book can grow your business.
But before any of that can happen, you start with a vision for what you want your business to become. What you want your life to become.
Question #4: The one that most people forget to ask.
I’ve seen the book-writing process catalyze drastic and rapid increases in income. Writing a book not only creates a valuable sales, marketing, and work tool, but it also helps you clarify your positioning and improve your strategic messaging. Some of my best clients have doubled and even tripled their income within just a few weeks of beginning my book-writing coaching program.
If you answered “Yes” to the first four questions, then I have just one question left for you: What are you waiting for? It’s time to write!
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