Posts Tagged ‘book coach’
How Writing a Book Too Fast Can Hurt You
Making the shift from unpublished expert to published author lifts your status. It gives you a certain gravitas that signals to others that you are a true authority. Generally, authors outpace unpublished experts in invitations–to speak, to appear in the media, and to partner with high-level people and organizations. Most people understand this. But what…
Read MoreWhy Literary Agents Reject Queries (And What to Do About It)
If you’ve ever sent a query to a literary agent who rejected your proposal, you might have been tempted to tell yourself that the agent was “mean” or “just didn’t get it.” And while that point of view makes a soothing balm for the ego, it will not get you a different result with the…
Read MoreDevelop a Strong Bond with Your Reader
If you’ve ever had an all-consuming, obsessive feeling while reading a great novel, you probably didn’t ask yourself why. You just had that experience where you kept thinking, “just one more chapter,” until one became two, two became three, three became four, and next thing you knew the sun was rising, and you were still…
Read MoreThe Author’s Corner: Our Season 1 in Review
Wow! What a season it’s been! My podcast, The Author’s Corner, debuted in January 2021, and since then, I’ve had 12 brilliant experts on the show, whose specializations range from publishing to social media to publicity to business to activism. It’s been an absolute pleasure to have all these guests on the air with me.…
Read MoreA Picture’s Worth 1000 Words
Of Jack Kerouac’s notable writing tips, the one my father made sure I learned was: “Don’t think of words when you stop but to see picture better”, because A Picture’s Worth 1000 Words. My dad would tell me, “Get an image in your mind of what you want to describe. See it clearly in your…
Read MorePlease Try Not to Say F*ck
I hate driving in the suburbs. I especially hate driving in Highlands Ranch, CO, but many years ago, I did it anyway to attend a friend’s party. My children were with me, nestled in the back seat—Dylan, age 6, and Maya, age 4. I’m also a very expressive person, and my children were well aware…
Read MoreWhy Your Self Or Hybrid Published Book Is Never Going To Be Sold In Bookstores
Okay. Rant time. I talk to so many people who hire companies to help them self-publish or hybrid publish their books. Nothing wrong with that. Good companies exist that help people bring their books across the finish line. My pet peeve is when these companies offer “distribution” as an up-sell. A lot of companies will…
Read MoreYour Best Content is Clear…Too Clear
The way I see it, at the end of the day, we’re all just fish. I don’t mean literally fish– that’s insane. I mean, we’re all shrink-wrapped to our own consciousness. It’s as if there’s this layer of film clinging to our consciousness, and when we look out, it looks like what a fish sees…
Read MoreWrite A Book To Build Authority (Part 01)
Here’s How You Can Become An Authority In Your Industry Start by distinguishing between manufactured authority and authentic authority. As a strategic book development and writing coach, I find that most of my clients see writing a book as a means for growing their business. And rightly so. Together, your book and the work that…
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