Gaurav and Mark Minukas, Unfear
(McGraw Hill, 2021)
Four ways your book can grow your business before you’ve even written the first draft.
I talk to a lot of people who want to publish a book, yet they’re not wild about the idea of working on it for six to twelve months without seeing any of the pay off along the way.
I’ve got great news. Your book can drive up your revenue before you publish — before you even finish the first draft.
Here are four ways this works.
1. Clarity
If you start the writing process the way that I recommend, then one of the first things you’ll do is get clear about your vision for your life, your business, and your products and services. You’ll get clear about how much you want to earn and how much you want to work — how you want your business to grow, whom you’d like to help, and how you plan to serve.
If, like my clients, you’ve already got some professional momentum, then you can use the process of writing your book to assist you with your work.
It’ll help you rethink the way that you position yourself — the way that you package, present, and sell your services. It’ll also help you clarify what your ideal client looks like, what they want, and how you can reach them.
The clarity that you gain can help you share the value of what you have to offer, have more effective sales conversations, and do a better job communicating your message.
I’ve worked with people who have literally doubled their incomes within just a few weeks of gaining clarity, and applying that clarity to their businesses.
2. Confidence
Most of my book development and writing coaching clients work in top-earning, top-performing industries where competition is fierce. What sets my clients apart is that they have something to say that’s leading-edge and unique. And so do you.
A big part of the book development process is figuring out what sets you apart — what makes your message unique, valuable, wanted, needed even. And, in order to get that clarity, you should be learning as much as you can about what others in your field are saying.
I know it may seem counter intuitive, but the more you learn about your competition, the more confident you will become. Once you realize exactly what you bring to the table that no one else does, your confidence will skyrocket. You can become more persuasive during sales conversations, more appealing to potential business partners, more effective at marketing, and more compelling as a public speaker.
Boosting your confidence and upping your game at industry events and the events that you organize yourself can raise your visibility, your stature, and your income.
3. Content
I’ve written before about the importance of repurposing your book’s content as marketing materials, new products, and delivery of service tools. But you don’t have to wait until you finish writing to start doing that.
When I was writing my book, I turned a few of my chapters into an online course — and I wasn’t even finished with the first draft yet. I just took the bullets I had in my outline and adapted them into lesson plans and handouts. Within a six-week period, I sold $56,000 in training. And I used that training as a jumping off point for clients to start working with me at a more advanced level.
My book was helping me build my business. It was helping my clients build their businesses a few months before I finished the first draft.
4. Clients
So far, I’ve written about the three C‘s of driving up your revenue while you write your book — Clarity, Confidence, and Content. So let’s look ahead to one more C on the horizon: the Clients your book can win you once you finish writing. Because that’s why you’re writing this book — to facilitate sales and grow your business.
For one thing, your book will enhance your “discover ability.” Through my book, I’ve received referrals, clients, podcasts, and speaking engagements. People who stumble across your book and like it will often want to do business with you.
Having a book will boost your ability to get slated for speaking engagements and interviews on TV, radio, and podcasts. (Coordinators and producers prefer booking authors over non-authors.)
If you’ve written your book well, and your ideal client readers found it compelling and relevant, some will approach you after having read it, and those sales conversations are very easy! Anyone who’s read your book has already dedicated about six hours to learning about you, your philosophy, and your approach. They know who you are, where you’re coming from, and where your expertise lies. And, if you’ve written your book with the right content, they’ve already read about some of the people just like them whom you’ve helped in the past. All that’s left for them to do is sign on the dotted line.
My point is really this: even at the earliest stages, don’t go upside down and make the book the main thing. Keep your business the main thing. Plan and develop your book as a tool that serves the business, and it can pay huge dividends for years to come.
If you’d like to learn more about how to write a book to grow your business, you can visit my website, or check out my book, How To Write A Book That Sells YOU.