How to Format a Manuscript

Ever wonder how to format a manuscript? Here are 5 common formatting mistakes to avoid when you submit your manuscript for publication, or consideration. Often, when I’m considering taking on a client, they’ll send me their manuscript—or whatever they have so far. I’ve noticed some errors people consistently make when formatting their manuscripts that are…

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Are You Ready to Write a High Profit Book?

ready to write a book

How do you know you’re ready to write and publish your high profit book? Take it from someone who’s done both, writing a book is like having a kid. You put a lot into creating it, but the real work begins once it’s out. Like having a kid, there’s no perfect time, but here are some…

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The 7 Traits of a Bestselling Book Title


You might not know that the book titles of 95% of all the bestselling books of all time (including present day bestsellers) have 7 basic traits in common, but they do. Here’s the breakdown of what they are. First, here’s how I came up with the list. Anyone who knows me knows I’m a geek…

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Should You Hire a Ghostwriter?


When you’re getting ready to write a book, one question likely to pop up first is, “Should I hire a ghostwriter or try to write it myself?” To write a book, you actually have three options available: Write it yourself Write it with the help of a coach and/or a really great editor Hire a…

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How to Position Your Book Like a Pro

Position your book

When it comes to writing a book that will get excited readers to hit that ‘Buy’ button on your book’s landing page, there is nothing more important than market research. It’s quite true that some of the most important work for a new or aspiring author actually happens before even one word is ever written!…

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Where Writers Find Inspiration

Everyone needs inspiration to write, but writers require it on a regular basis. Whether writing an article, novel, a business book, or blog post, writers need inspiration to create quality work that is worth reading. Writers often find their own sources of inspiration and creativity by following some simple guidelines, which I’ll cover in this…

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