How Blogs are Different Than Nonfiction Books

How Blogs are Different Than Nonfiction Books

Blogs are different than nonfiction books. One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone throws together a series of blog posts  and calls it a manuscript. I know that not everyone will agree with me on this, but that’s not a book. It’s a collection of blog posts. And, IMHO, simply throwing them together…

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How Much Does a Literary Agent Cost? 

A real-deal, ethical literary agent doesn’t ‘cost’ you anything. Literary agents should never charge you  upfront. That’s right – not a single penny. They only make money as a percentage of your royalties on book sales, and that check comes directly from the publisher. 

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How to Format a Manuscript

Ever wonder how to format a manuscript? Here are 5 common formatting mistakes to avoid when you submit your manuscript for publication, or consideration. Often, when I’m considering taking on a client, they’ll send me their manuscript—or whatever they have so far. I’ve noticed some errors people consistently make when formatting their manuscripts that are…

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The Power of Differentiation

A big benefit in being one of the few that challenges conventional wisdom and presents new perspectives is that it demonstrates to people that you’re not an “average expert.” You are a leader.

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The Grim Realities of the Publishing Industry

The good news is publishing is here to stay. The world continues to crave books, and the industry needs to sign new authors. You just have to find your unique salable concept and write a proposal that proves without a doubt that you know what you’re talking about—and that you can and will sell books.

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Are You Ready to Write a High Profit Book?

ready to write a book

How do you know you’re ready to write and publish your high profit book? Take it from someone who’s done both, writing a book is like having a kid. You put a lot into creating it, but the real work begins once it’s out. Like having a kid, there’s no perfect time, but here are some…

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Six Things You Should NEVER Say During Literary Agent Matchmaking

Things You Should NEVER Say During Literary Agent Matchmaking

If you’ve finished your book proposal, and you’re getting ready to pitch to literary agents, this is a must-read. For many first-time authors, the literary agent matchmaking process can be a mine field, with lots of spots where you can inadvertently “step in it” and blow up your chances of getting signed. Here are some…

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Top 9 Books for Business Success

success books

In over 30-plus years as an entrepreneur, I’ve been through many ups and downs that I never would have survived without the help of my favorite business books or Top 9 Books for Business Success . My intent in sharing the wealth (literally) of this list is to introduce you to the books that have…

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There’s A Last Time for Everything

Last Time for Everything

I went to visit my father in the hospital. He is in late-stage Parkinson’s and, within a few weeks, he declined from being able to walk up the steps to my beach house, to not being able to walk or stand at all. When I got there, my step-mother was sitting by his bedside, making…

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How Writing a Book Too Fast Can Hurt You

Writing a Book Too Fast

Making the shift from unpublished expert to published author lifts your status. It gives you a certain gravitas that signals to others that you are a true authority. Generally, authors outpace unpublished experts in invitations–to speak, to appear in the media, and to partner with high-level people and organizations. Most people understand this. But what…

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